Week 6: Day 5

Breakfast: Cheerios™, Dried Blueberries, Milk, Water

Same breakfast as yesterday; still haven’t gotten to the store to get more fresh fruit.

Lunch: Granola Bar, Water

Not exactly the same thing I had yesterday, but I’m having déjà vu – another lunch that’s really just a snack that I grabbed.

Dinner: Pizza Salad, Water, Truffle

Same as my lunch on Day 1 to use up the last of the leftover pizza, with a couple of modifications:

  • Romaine lettuce base
  • One slice toasted chicken pesto pizza, cubed (in other words: pizza croutons)
  • Grape tomatoes, halved
  • Chopped low-fat mozzarella string cheese
  • Balsamic vinegar and a 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil

The string cheese and olive oil added more Points this time, but it balanced out with my meager lunch. I also had half of a chocolate truffle.

I also had two Red Vines a little later.

Snack: Pretzels, Popcorn, Wine, M&Ms, Water

We had a visitor from out of town stop by, and although I didn’t have any Points left, I decided to use more of my Flex Points for the week. I had one glass of wine, and put out some low-Point snacks (pretzels, low-fat popcorn) and one treat (M&Ms).

Exercise: 0 Minutes

Having trouble getting this started up again!

How Did I Do?

Food-wise, I did okay until snack time, but I limited myself to one glass of wine, and put out low-Point snacks to help the extra fit within my Flex Points for the week. Not enough fruits and veggies, and no exercise, but at least I drank water!

No regrets.

*Note: I am using tools from the Weight Watchers® program circa 2007, because that’s what I have. So, the Points values that I am using may differ from the current program.

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