Weight Maintenance Month 1: Week 2

Only one more pound to go! No problem.


  • Day 1: BLT, Orange, Water
    I made the kids pancakes and bacon; I skipped the pancakes and made a BLT – two toasted slices of whole wheat bread, light mayo, three slices of center-cut bacon, tomato, and lettuce. I had half of an orange on the side.
  • Day 2: Cereal, Milk, Water
    Kashi® Cinnamon Harvest biscuits with 2% milk.
  • Day 3: Cereal, Milk, Banana, Cherries, Water
    Grape-Nuts® (1/2 cup) with 2% milk, sliced banana, and dried cherries (about 7).
  • Day 4: Oatmeal, Apple, Water
    Same as Day 3 last week – 1/2 cup quick oats, a pinch of salt, a dash of cinnamon, and slightly less than 1 cup 2% milk, all microwaved for 90 seconds then mixed with half of a peeled, chopped apple.
  • Day 5: Cereal, Milk, Water
    Same as Day 2.
  • Day 6: Cereal, Milk, Banana, Water
    Chocolate Cheerios™ with 2% milk and sliced banana.
  • Day 7: Cinnamon Roll, Bacon, Orange, Water
    One Cinnamon-Date-Pecan Roll with Maple Glaze, two slices of center-cut bacon, and orange wedges.


  • Day 1: None
    The BLT was really brunch, or at least a late breakfast. I’ve skipped lunch for a few days, but I don’t want to make a habit out of it. Things should be back to normal tomorrow.
  • Day 2: Turkey Sandwich, Orange, Water
    Same turkey sandwich as last week (whole wheat bread, light mayo, country Dijon, reduced-fat cheese slice, turkey, shredded carrot, sliced tomato), with a mandarin orange on the side.
  • Day 3: Burrito, Orange, Water
    Amy’s Organic Black Bean Burrito with a mandarin orange.
  • Day 4: Ham Armour® LunchMakers®, Water
    I just needed a little something quick – crackers, cheese, meat, and the tiny Crunch bar that comes with it. Some fruit probably would have been good too, but alas, no.
  • Day 5: Salad, Water
    A big salad with lettuce, shredded carrot, reduced-fat shredded cheese (about 1/4 cup at the most), chopped pecans (1 – 2 Tbsp.), raisins (1 – 2 Tbsp.), sliced olives (1 – 2 Tbsp.) and lite Catalina dressing (probably 2 Tbsp.).
  • Day 6: Pizza, Orange, Water
    A slice of the pizza from Day 5 dinner (butternut squash, bacon, and fontina), plus a mandarin orange. I also had a Nature Valley™ Fruit & Nut granola bar later for a snack to tide me over before a late dinner.
  • Day 7: Pizza, Grapes, Water
    One slice of the pizza from Day 5 Dinner again, this time with grapes.


  • Day 1: Thanksgiving Leftovers, Pie, Water
    A little bit of everything – or, at least, everything that was left over. Turkey, kielbasa and sauerkraut (yeah, we do that for holidays), green bean casserole, mashed and sweet potatoes, and stuffing – a lot, but not a lot of any one thing. I also had a piece of the pumpkin pie that I made, which was from Cooking Light.
  • Day 2: Chicken Tacos, Pineapple, Caramel, Water
    Two leftover chicken tacos from last week (Day 7 – see Crockpot Chicken Tacos on Recipes page) with fresh pineapple on the side again, and a chocolate-covered caramel for dessert.
  • Day 3: Thanksgiving Leftovers, Truffle, Water
    Same as Day 1, except no turkey this time, and I ended the meal with a chocolate truffle.
  • Day 4: Hot Dog, Baked Beans, Carrots, Truffles, Water
    One hot dog (Applegate brand) on a bun with some sautéed veggies (diced red pepper and onion cooked in a nonstick skillet with cooking spray) and mustard on top. We had some vegetarian baked beans and canned / microwaved carrots, both of which had a little bit of spreadable butter with olive oil mixed in. I finished the meal with two truffles (it was a two truffle kind of night).
  • Day 5: Pizza, Beans, Grapes, Cookie, Water
    I had one slice of Pizza with Winter Squash and Bacon (Cooking Light recipe), a mix of canned green beans and wax beans, grapes, and a banana chocolate chip oatmeal cookie.
  • Day 6: Thanksgiving Leftovers, Beans, Chocolate, Water
    Same as Day 3, except with green and wax beans instead of the green bean casserole and a piece of chocolate for dessert.
  • Day 7: Chicken Teriyaki, Rice, Broccoli Slaw, Fudge, Water
    Crockpot Teriyaki Chicken with rice (probably about 1/2 cup of each) and Broccoli Slaw (see Recipes page under Sides). I also had a piece of fudge for dessert.


  • Day 1: Popcorn, Apple, Water
    Low-fat popcorn and half of an apple.
  • Day 2: Triscuits, Salsa, Cheese Stick, Grapes, Water
    Six Triscuits with salsa, a reduced-fat cheese stick, and grapes.
  • Day 3: Triscuits, Salsa, Cheese Stick, Apple, Water
    Same as yesterday, except with apple instead of grapes.
  • Day 4: Popcorn, Grapes, Water
    Same as Day 1, except with grapes instead of apple.
  • Day 5: Triscuits, Salsa, Cheese Stick, Apple, Water
    Same as Day 3.
  • Day 6: Triscuits, Salsa, Cheese Stick, Apple, Water
    Same as yesterday.
  • Day 7: None
    It was late and I was tired, so I just went to bed. Plus, I figured I had a little extra today anyway (bacon and fudge).


I actually got some exercise this week – shoveling snow. Sometimes you find your own motivation, and sometimes Mother Nature just says, “You’re doing this now.” Only one day, but still, it was something.

How Did I Do?

I think I did enough to lose one pound, but we’ll see for sure tomorrow. I drank water, I got at least one day of some activity, I had fruits and veggies with most of my meals and snacks, and I watched my portions all week. I think breakfasts, lunches, and snacks were all on track (except for maybe the Day 7 breakfast, which just had a little extra than I would normally do). I had Thanksgiving leftovers three times for dinner, but I tried to keep the portions small for everything. I had dessert every night after dinner, but I tried to keep them small – a bite of chocolate, a small cookie (I did have a piece of pumpkin pie on Day 1, but it was at least a Cooking Light recipe).

We’ll see what the scale says, but I feel pretty good about this week.

No regrets.

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